General Objective
Promote the principles of no discrimination and the common European values in Higher Education driving the interconnection between universities of distinct countries and the co-creation of innovative inclusive content that counters xenophobic, racist discourse, gender inequality, LGTBIphobia, and other forms of intolerance, that face Europe today
Specific Objectives:
- Generate a Community of University Learning (Higher Education Learning Community—HELCI) in the European context, with inclusive material, accommodating all university services and research groups with interests in this material, with the goal of debating and designing content directed at empowering teaching staff and administrative personnel of universities for the management of diversity.
- Design, validate and share innovative content through the development of MOOC courses (‘massive online open course’), oriented towards teaching personnel, researchers and service administration, as well as university undergraduate and post-graduate students, in material on no-discrimination, cultural diversity, sexual orientation and gender discrimination. The participation of the university community itself will be promoted, in the design of content of high value of externalisation aimed at society in general.
- Promote inclusion and no-discrimination in universities through the use of a manual and a roadmap that disseminates experience, transferring the generated model and MOOCS, as well as a network of universities that includes in their mechanisms MOOC content on Fundamental Rights, Equality and No-Discrimination.
- The capacity of the universities to develop content and innovative didactic tools adapted to its environment, that promote the creation of content related to equality, fundamental rights and no-discrimination, will have improved. To achieve this, a Methodological Guide will be created for the design of MOOCS specialized in no-discrimination content in the area of Higher Education.
- Four MOOCS (Fundamentals + Cultural and Ethnic diversity + Sexual Orientation diversity + Gender Discrimination) will have been designed and will be taught in a pilot trial by 120 members of the university community (including students, professorship, and service personnel). The validated MOOCs will stay part of the e-Learning platforms of each university.
- A methodology based on the learning communities in the area of higher education (Higher Education Learning Community for Inclusion – HELCI) will have been generated, involving the main stakeholders in supporting the development of the project, exchanging knowledge and experience. This methodology will have been applied in the Transnational Learning Community and in local university learning communities.
- A Manual for Inclusive and Non-Discriminatory Universities will be created, flagging the key issues, instruments and recommendations to have universities that guarantee the effective practice of human rights and European values. This Manual will also be accompanied by a Roadmap for its diffusion and compliance of universities non-participative in the consortium. It will be presented in each country through the Multiplier Events.
Call: KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Acronym: HELCI
Project number-2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000023320
Priorities and topics:
HORIZONTAL: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport
HE: Building inclusive higher education systems
HORIZONTAL: Common values, civic engagement and participation